All Monster IDS (ALL)
100100 Snail
100101 Blue Snail
1110100 Green Mushroom
1110101 Dark Stump
1120100 Octopus
1130100 Axe Stump
1140100 Ghost Stump
120100 Shroom
1210100 Pig
1210101 Ribbon Pig
1210102 Orange Mushroom
1210103 Bubbling
130100 Stump
130101 Red Snail
2100100 Desert Rabbit (F)
2100101 Desert Rabbit (M)
2100102 Jr. Cactus
2100103 Cactus
2100104 Royal Cactus
2100105 Bellamoa
2100106 Ear Plug Plead
2100107 Scarf Plead
2100108 Meercat
210100 Slime
2110200 Horny Mushroom
2110300 Sand Rat
2110301 Scorpion
2130100 Dark Axe Stump
2130103 Jr. Necki
2220000 Mano
2220100 Blue Mushroom
2230100 Evil Eye
2230101 Zombie Mushroom
2230102 Wild Boar
2230103 Trixter
2230104 Green Trixter
2230105 Seacle
2230106 Cico
2230107 Krappy
2230108 Pinboom
2230109 Bubble Fish
2230110 Wooden Mask
2230111 Rocky Mask
2230200 Flower Fish
2300100 Stirge
3000000 Sentinel
3000001 Fairy 1
3000002 Fairy 2
3000003 Fairy 3
3000004 Fairy 4
3000005 Brown Teddy
3000006 Krip
3100101 Sand Dwarf
3100102 Kiyo
3110100 Ligator
3110101 Pink Teddy
3110102 Ratz
3110300 Cube Slime
3110301 Dark Sand Dwarf
3110302 Rumo
3110303 Triple Rumo
3210100 Fire Boar
3210200 Jr. Cellion
3210201 Jr. Lioner
3210202 Jr. Grupin
3210203 Panda Teddy
3210204 Roloduck
3210205 Black Ratz
3210206 Helly
3210207 Tick
3210208 Retz
3210450 Scuba Pepe
3210800 Lupin
3220000 Stumpy
3220001 Deo
3230100 Curse Eye
3230101 Jr. Wraith
3230102 Lorang
3230103 King Bloctopus
3230104 Mask Fish
3230200 Star Pixie
3230300 Jr. Boogie 1
3230301 Jr. Boogie 2
3230302 Bloctopus
3230303 Propelly
3230304 Planey
3230305 Toy Trojan
3230306 Chronos
3230307 Chirppy
3230308 Tweeter
3230400 Drumming Bunny
3230405 Jr. Seal
4090000 Iron Hook
4110300 Iron Mutae
4110301 Reinforced Iron Mutae
4110302 Mithril mutae
4130100 Copper Drake
4130101 Tortie
4130102 Dark Nependeath
4130103 Rombot
4130104 Dark Nependeath
4220000 Seruf
4220001 Seruf
4230100 Cold Eye
4230101 Zombie Lupin
4230102 Wraith
4230103 Iron Hog
4230104 Clang
4230105 Nependeath
4230106 Lunar Pixie
4230107 Flyeye
4230108 Jr. Cerebes
4230109 Block Golem
4230110 King Block Golem
4230111 Robo
4230112 Master Robo
4230113 Tick-Tock
4230114 Platoon Chronos
4230115 Master Chronos
4230116 Barnard Gray
4230117 Zeta Gray
4230118 Ultra Gray
4230119 Mateon
4230120 Plateon
4230121 Mecateon
4230122 Nependeath
4230123 Sparker
4230124 Freezer
4230125 Skeledog
4230126 Mummydog
4230200 Poopa
4230201 Poison Poopa
4230300 Moon Bunny
4230400 Iron Boar
4230500 Chipmunk
4230501 Red Porky
4230502 Black Porky
4230503 Blue Flower Serpent
4230504 Red Flower Serpent
4230505 Jar
4230506 Ginseng Jar
4230600 Desert Giant
4240000 Chief Gray
4250000 Moss Snail
4250001 Lord Tree
5090000 Shade
5090001 Master Dummy
5100000 Jr. Yeti
5100001 Transforming Jr. Yeti
5100002 Firebomb
5100003 Hodori
5100004 Samiho
5100005 Hogul
5110300 Reinforced Mithril Mutae
5110301 Roid
5110302 Neo Huroid
5120000 Luster Pixie
5120001 Cellion
5120002 Lioner
5120003 Grupin
5120100 MT-09
5120500 Grizzly
5120501 Bellflower Root
5120502 Sr. Bellflower Root
5120503 Straw Target Dummy
5120504 Wooden Target Dummy
5120505 Reindeer
5120506 The Book Ghost
5130100 Drake
5130101 Stone Golem
5130102 Dark Stone Golem
5130103 Croco
5130104 Hector
5130105 Dark Jr. Yeti
5130106 Transforming Dark Jr. Yeti
5130107 Coolie Zombie
5130108 Minor Zombie
5140000 White Fang
5150000 Mixed Golem
5150001 Skeleton Soldier
5200000 Jr. Sentinel
5200001 Ice Sentinel
5200002 Fire Sentinel
5220000 King Clang
5220001 King Clang
5220002 Faust
5220003 Timer
5250000 Moss Mushroom
5250001 Stone Bug
5250002 Prehistoric Boar
5300000 Leatty
5300001 Dark Leatty
5300100 Malady
5400000 Jr. Pepe
6090000 Riche
6090001 Snow Witch
6090002 Bamboo Warrior
6090003 Scholar Ghost
6090004 Rurumo
6110300 Homun
6110301 Site
6130100 Red Drake
6130101 Mushmom
6130102 Separated Pepe
6130103 Pepe
6130104 Boogie
6130200 Buffy
6130201 Blin
6130202 Morphed Blin
6130203 Panda
6130204 Mr. Alli
6130207 Peach Monkey
6130208 Kru
6130209 Sage Cat
6220000 Dyle
6220001 Zeno
6230100 Wild Kargo
6230101 Puco
6230200 Dark Pepe
6230201 Separated Dark Pepe
6230300 Lazy Buffy
6230400 Soul Teddy
6230401 Jr. Lucida
6230500 Master Soul Teddy
6230600 Ice Drake
6230601 Dark Drake
6230602 Officer Skeleton
6300000 Yeti
6300001 Transformed Yeti
6300002 Separated Yeti
6300003 Punco
6300004 Pachu
6300005 Zombie Mushmom
6300100 Buffoon
6400000 Dark Yeti
6400001 Transformed Dark Yeti
6400002 Separated Dark Yeti
6400003 Cuzco
6400004 Opachu
6400005 Zombie Mushmom
6400100 Deep Buffoon
7090000 Security Camera
7110300 D. Roy
7110301 Homunculus
7130000 Lucida
7130001 Cerebes
7130002 Beetle
7130003 Dual Beetle
7130004 Hankie
7130010 Death Teddy
7130020 Goby
7130100 Tauromacis
7130101 Taurospear
7130102 Yeti and Pepe
7130103 Commander Skeleton
7130104 Captain
7130200 Werewolf
7130300 Master Death Teddy
7130400 Yellow King Goblin
7130401 Blue King Goblin
7130402 Green King Goblin
7130500 Rash
7130501 Dark Rash
7130600 Hobi
7130601 Green Hobi
7130602 Thornbush
7140000 Ghost Pirate
7160000 Dual Ghost Pirate
7220000 Tae Roon
7220001 Nona-Tailed Fox
7220002 Priest Cat
8090000 Deet and Roi
8110300 Homunscullo
8130100 Jr. Balrog
8140000 Lycanthrope
8140001 Harp
8140002 Blood Harp
8140100 Dark Yeti and Pepe
8140101 Black Kentaurus
8140102 Red Kentaurus
8140103 Blue Kentaurus
8140110 Birk
8140111 Dual Birk
8140200 Klock
8140300 Dark Klock
8140500 Bain
8140555 Bombing Fish House
8140600 Bone Fish
8140700 Blue Dragon Turtle
8140701 Red Dragon Turtle
8140702 Rexton
8140703 Brexton
8141000 Spirit Viking
8141100 Gigantic Spirit Viking
8141300 Squid
8142000 Phantom Watch
8142100 Risell Squid
8143000 Grim Phantom Watch
8150000 Crimson Balrog
8150100 Shark
8150101 Cold Shark
8150200 Green Cornian
8150201 Dark Cornian
8150300 Red Wyvern
8150301 Blue Wyvern
8150302 Dark Wyvern
8160000 Gatekeeper
8170000 Thanatos
8180000 Manon
8180001 Griffey
8190000 Jr. Newtie
8190001 Jr. Newtie
8190002 Nest Golem
8190003 Skelegon
8190004 Skelosaurus
8190005 Nest Golem
8220000 Elliza
8220001 Snowman
8220002 Kimera
8220003 Leviathan
8500000 Time Sphere
8500001 Papulatus Clock
8500002 Papulatus
8500003 High Darkstar
8500004 Low Darkstar
8510000 Pianus
8510100 Bloody Boom
8520000 Pianus
8800000 Zakum1
8800001 Zakum2
8800002 Zakum3
8800003 Zakum's Arm 1
8800004 Zakum's Arm 2
8800005 Zakum's Arm 3
8800006 Zakum's Arm 4
8800007 Zakum's Arm 5
8800008 Zakum's Arm 6
8800009 Zakum's Arm 7
8800010 Zakum's Arm 8
8810000 Horntail's Left Head
8810001 Horntail's Right Head
8810002 Horntail's Head A
8810003 Horntail's Head B
8810004 Horntail's Head C
8810005 Horntail's Left Hand
8810006 Horntail's Right Hand
8810007 Horntail's Wings
8810008 Horntail's Legs
8810009 Horntail's Tails
8810010 Dead Horntail's Head A
8810011 Dead Horntail's Head B
8810012 Dead Horntail's Head C
8810013 Dead Horntail's Left Hand
8810014 Dead Horntail's Right Hand
8810015 Dead Horntail's Wings
8810016 Dead Horntail's Legs
8810017 Dead Horntail's Tails
8810018 Horntail
8810019 Red Wyvern
8810020 Blue Wyvern
8810021 Dark Wyvern
8810022 Green Cornian
8810023 Dark Cornian
8810024 Summon Horntail's Left Head
8810025 Summon Horntail's Right Head
8810026 Summon Horntail
9000001 Curse Eye 2
9000002 Horned Mushroom 2
9000100 Fire Boar 2
9000101 Lupin 2
9000200 Evil Eye 2
9000201 Zombie Mushroom 2
9000300 Cold Eye 2
9000301 Blue Mushroom 2
9001000 Dances with Balrog's Clone
9001001 Grendel the Really Old's Clone
9001002 Athena Pierce's Clone
9001003 Dark Lord's Clone
9001004 Shadow Kyrin
9001005 OctoPirate
9001006 OctoPirate
9001007 Scarecrow for Training
9001008 Shadow Kyrin's Clone
9100000 Super Slime
9100001 Super Jr. Necki
9100002 Super Stirge
9100003 Ultra Jr. Necki 1
9100004 Ultra Jr. Necki 2
9100005 Super Trickster
9100006 Super Green Trickster
9100007 Super Ribbon-Pig
9100008 Super Coke Snail 1
9100009 Super Coke Snail 2
9100010 Mr. Black Sheep
9100013 Adin
9200000 Wild Boar (PC)
9200001 Fire Boar (PC)
9200002 Dark Stump (PC)
9200003 Horned Mushroom (PC)
9200004 Green Mushroom (PC)
9200005 Slime (PC)
9200006 Lupin (PC)
9200007 Zombie Lupin (PC)
9200008 Blue Mushroom (PC)
9200009 Stone Golem (PC)
9200010 Zombie Mushroom (PC)
9200011 Evil Eye (PC)
9200012 Drake (PC)
9200013 Cold Eye (PC)
9200014 Wild Kargo (PC)
9200015 Brown Tanny
9200016 Drumming Bunny
9200017 Pink Tanny
9200018 Jr. Yetti
9200019 White Fang
9200020 Yetti & Pepe
9200021 Separated Yetti
9200022 Separated Pepe
9300000 Jr. Necki (PC)
9300001 Ligator (PC)
9300002 Curse Eye (PC)
9300003 King Slime (PC)
9300004 Mimic
9300005 Ratz from Another Dimension
9300006 Black Ratz from Another Dimension
9300007 Bloctopus from Another Dimension
9300008 Shadow Eye from Another Dimension
9300009 Block Golem from Another Dimension
9300010 Rombad from Another Dimension
9300011 Toy Trojan
9300012 Alishar
9300013 King Block Golem from Another Dimension
9300014 Dark Eye from Another Dimension
9300015 Cronos
9300016 Platoon Cronos
9300017 Master Cronos
9300018 Tutorial Jr. Sentinel
9300019 Master Muscle Stone
9300020 Muscle Stone
9300021 Dark Muscle Stone
9300022 Black Knight
9300023 Myst Knight
9300024 Puppet Golem
9300025 Gargoyle
9300026 Jr. Gargoyle
9300027 Devil Slime
9300028 Ergoth
9300029 Lion Statue A
9300030 Lion Statue B
9300031 Knight Statue A
9300032 Knight Statue B
9300033 Jr. Gargoyle
9300034 Mist Knight
9300035 Jr. Gargoyle
9300036 Black Knight
9300037 Mist Knight
9300038 Ghost Pixie
9300039 Papa Pixie
9300040 Cellion in Tower of Goddess
9300041 Cellion in Tower of Goddess
9300042 Grupin in Tower of Goddess
9300043 Lioner in Tower of Goddess
9300044 Luinel in Tower of Goddess
9300045 Lunar Pixie in Tower of Goddess
9300046 Star Pixie in Tower of Goddess
9300047 Luster Pixie in Tower of Goddess
9300048 Nependeath in Tower of Goddess
9300049 Royal Nependeath in Tower of Goddess
9300050 Flying Boogie
9300051 Jr. Cellion in Tower of Goddess
9300052 Jr. Lioner in Tower of Goddess
9300053 Jr. Grupin in Tower of Goddess
9300054 Lunar Pixie in Tower of Goddess(Summon Boss)
9300055 Star Pixie in Tower of Goddess(Summon Boss)
9300056 Luster Pixie in Tower of Goddess(Summon Boss)
9300057 Cellion in Tower of Goddess
9300058 Pig
9300059 Ribbon Pig
9300060 Iron Hog
9300061 Moon Bunny
9300062 Flyeye
9300063 Stirge
9300064 Goblin Fire
9300065 Green Cornian1 in Cave
9300066 Green Cornian 2 in Cave
9300067 Dark Cornian 1 in Cave
9300068 Dark Cornian 2 in Cave
9300069 Red Wyvern 1 in Cave
9300070 Red Wyvern 2 in Cave
9300071 Blue Wyvern 1 in Cave
9300072 Blue Wyvern 2 in Cave
9300073 Dark Wyvern 1 in Cave
9300074 Dark Wyvern 2 in Cave
9300075 Skelegon 1 in Cave
9300076 Skelegon 2 in Cave
9300077 T-Skelegon in Cave
9300078 Jr. Newtie in Cave
9300079 Nest Golem in Cave
9300080 Kru
9300081 Flyeye
9300082 Stirge
9300083 Goblin Fire
9300084 Deathly Fear
9300085 Jr. Balrog in Another World
9300086 The Elemental Thanatos
9300087 The Charging Taurospear
9300088 Dark Lord's Disciple
9300089 Phoenix
9300090 Freezer
9300091 Buff Rocky in the Dark
9300092 Jr. Balrog in Forgotten Shrine
9300093 Tylus
9300094 Crimson Balrog the Kidnapper
9300095 Lycanthrope the Kidnapper
9300096 Black Kentaurus
9300097 Goby in Warped Dimension
9300098 Bone Fish in Warped Dimension
9300099 Shark in Warped Dimension
9300100 The Elemental Thanatos
9300101 Tamable Hog
9300102 Watchhog
9300103 Barnard Gray
9300104 Zeta Gray
9300105 Angry Lord Pirate
9300106 Enraged Lord Pirate
9300107 Peeking Lord Pirate
9300108 Lord Pirate's Jar
9300109 Lord Pirate's Ginseng Jar
9300110 Lord Pirate's Bellflower
9300111 Lord Pirate's Ancient Bellflower
9300112 Lord Pirate's 100yrOld Bellflower
9300113 Lord Pirate's 100yrOld Ancient Bellflower
9300114 Lord Pirate's Enraged Mr. Alli
9300115 Lord Pirate's Enraged Kru
9300116 Lord Pirate's Enraged Captain
9300117 Lord Pirate's Devoted Kru
9300118 Lord Pirate's Devoted Captain
9300119 Lord Pirate
9300120 Lord Pirate's Furious Mr. Alli
9300121 Lord Pirate's Furious Kru
9300122 Lord Pirate's Furious Captain
9300123 Lord Pirate's Mr. Alli
9300124 Lord Pirate's Kru
9300125 Lord Pirate's Captain
9300126 Lord Pirate's Enraged Ginseng Jar
9300127 Brown Teddy
9300128 Bloctopus
9300129 Ratz
9300130 Chronos
9300131 Toy Trojan
9300132 Tick-Tock
9300133 Robo
9300134 King Bloctopus
9300135 Master Chronos
9300136 Rombot
9300137 Juliet
9300138 Romeo
9300139 Franken Lloyd
9300140 Angry Franken Lloyd
9300141 Homun of Closed Laboratory
9300142 Homunculu of hidden laboratory
9300143 Reinforced Iron Mutae
9300144 Reinforced Mithril Mutae
9300145 Homun
9300146 Cyti
9300147 Homunculus
9300148 Neo Huroid
9300149 Roid
9300150 Neo Huroid
9300151 Franken Lloyd
9300152 Angry Franken Lloyd
9300153 Obstacle Mutae
9300154 Neo Huroid for Experiement
9300155 Pig
9300156 Black Magician's Disciple
9300157 Scorpion
9300158 Kyrin
9300159 Inferno Kyrin
9300160 Blue Flower Serpent
9300161 Red Flower Serpent
9300162 Willi
9300163 Sage Cat
9300164 The Book Ghost
9300165 Peach Monkey
9300166 Bomb
9300167 Degraded Rumo
9300168 Reinforced Roid
9300169 Ratz from Another Dimension
9300170 Black Ratz from Another Dimension
9300171 Bloctopus from Another Dimension
9300172 Poisoned Lord Tree
9300173 Poisoned Stone Bug
9300174 Poisoned Spright
9300175 Poison Flower
9300176 Poison Golem
9300177 Poison Golem Level 2
9300178 Poison Golem Level 3
9300179 Spright
9300180 Poison Tree
9300181 More Poisoned Stone Bug
9300182 Deeply Poisoned Lord Tree
9300183 Deeply Poisoned Stone Bug
9300184 Deeply Poisoned Spright
9300185 Poison Flower2
9300186 Poison Flower3
9300187 Poisoned Spright in the Deep Forest 1
9300188 Poisoned Spright in the Deep Forest 1
9300189 Poisoned Spright in the Deep Forest 2
9300190 Poisoned Spright in the Deep Forest 2
9300191 Poisoned Spright in the Deep Forest 3
9300192 Poisoned Spright in the Deep Forest 3
9300193 Poison Flower 4
9300194 Poison Flower 5
9300195 Transparent Monster for Checking the Boss Elimination
9301000 Bain
9301001 Gigantic Viking
9301002 Viking
9301003 Dual Ghost Pirate
9301004 Ghost Pirate
9400000 Crow
9400001 Fire Raccoon
9400002 Cloud Fox
9400003 Nightghost
9400004 Big Cloud Fox
9400005 Red Boogie
9400006 Blue Boogie
9400007 Green Boogie
9400008 Black Boogie
9400009 Crow
9400010 Flaming Raccoon
9400011 Paper Lantern Ghost
9400012 Water Goblin
9400013 Dreamy Ghost
9400014 Black Crow
9400100 Extra A
9400101 Extra B
9400102 Extra C
9400103 Extra D
9400110 Leader A
9400111 Leader B
9400112 Bodyguard A
9400113 Bodyguard B
9400114 Slot Machine
9400120 Male Boss
9400121 Female Boss
9400122 Male Boss
9400200 Malady
9400201 Wild Cargo
9400202 Golden Slime
9400203 Silver Slime
9400204 Red Slime
9400205 Blue Mushmom
9400209 Minor Zombie(JP)
9400210 Coolie Zombie(JP)
9400211 Dark Stone Golem(JP)
9400212 Stone Golem(JP)
9400213 Dark Jr. Yeti(JP)
9400214 Master Chronos(JP)
9400215 Ultra Gray(JP)
9400216 Zeta Gray(JP)
9400217 Flyeye(JP)
9400218 Tauromacis(JP)
9400238 Drumming Bunny
9400239 Sand Rat
9400240 Roid
9400241 Pig
9400242 Ribbon Pig
9400243 Stone Golem
9400244 Mixed Golem
9400245 Zombie Mushroom
9400246 Horny Mushroom
9400247 Drumming Bunny
9400248 Sand Rat
9400249 Roid
9400300 The Boss
9400500 Malady
9400501 Jr. Wraith
9400502 Wraith
9400503 Stirge
9400504 Coolie Zombie
9400505 Turkey
9400506 Candle Monster
9400507 Cake Monster
9400508 Mad Turkey
9400509 Sakura Cellion
9400510 Green Eggy Popp
9400511 Yellow Eggy Popp
9400512 Cake Mob(2nd)
9400513 Candle Mob(2nd)
9400514 Geist Balrog Phase 3
9400515 Indigo Eye
9400516 Crystal Boar
9400517 Magik Fierry A
9400518 Magik Fierry B
9400519 G Slime
9400520 P Slime
9400521 O Slime
9400522 B Slime
9400523 Evil Eye GL
9400524 Curse Eye GL
9400525 Cold Eye GL
9400526 Fierry GL
9400527 Fire Boar GL
9400528 Sentinel GL
9400529 Ice Sentinel GL
9400530 Zombie Lupin GL
9400531 Toy Trojan GL
9400532 King Slime GL
9400533 Indigo Eye PQ
9400534 Crystal Boar PQ
9400535 Magik Fiarry A PQ
9400536 Geist Balrog Phase 1
9400537 Geist Balrog Phase 2
9400538 Street Slime
9400539 Urban Fungus
9400540 Killa Bee
9400541 Killa Bee
9400542 Fire Tusk
9400543 Electrophant
9400544 Gryphon
9400545 Wolf Spider
9400546 I.AM.ROBOT
9400547 Boomer
9400548 Mighty Maple Eater
9400549 Headless Horseman
9400550 Boomer
9400551 Bob
9400552 Zoo Snail
9400553 Purple Flying Book
9400554 Orange Flying Book
9400555 Blue Flying Book
9400556 Glutton Ghoul
9400557 Psycho Jack Box
9400558 Psycho Jack
9400559 Sophilia Doll Ground
9400560 Sophilia Doll
9400561 Voodoo
9400562 Hoodoo
9400563 Nightmare
9400564 Mirror Ghost
9400565 Glutton Ghoul
9400566 Loki Box Ex
9400567 Loki Box Tr
9400568 Turkey Commando
9400569 Big Puff Daddy
9400570 Anniversary Cake
9400571 Headless Horseman
9400572 Geist Balrog
9400573 Baby typhon
9400574 Typhon
9400575 Bigfoot
9400576 Windraider
9400577 Firebrand
9400578 Firebrand
9400579 Nightshadow
9400580 Elderwraith
9400581 Stormbreaker
9400582 Crimson Guardian
9400583 Leprechaun
9400584 Leprechaun
9400585 Crimson Tree
9400586 Crimson Tree
9400587 Phantom Tree
9400588 Phantom Tree
9400707 Item Maker
9400708 Snowman1
9400709 Snowman2
9400710 Snowman3
9400711 Transparent Mob
9400712 Little Snowman
9400713 Item Killer
9400714 Snow Blower
9400715 Snow Blower
9400716 Snow Blower
9400717 Snow Blower
9400718 Snow Blower
9400719 Snow Blower
9400720 Snow Blower
9400721 Snow Blower
9400722 Snow Blower
9400723 Snow Blower
9400724 Snow Blower
9409000 Tutorial Leatty
9409001 Tutorial Drumming Rabbit
9410000 Stray Dog
9410001 Stylish Stray Dog
9410002 Angry Stray Dog
9410003 Clown Monkey
9410004 Biker Monkey
9410005 Red Bubble Tea
9410006 Yellow Bubble Tea
9410007 Green Bubble Tea
9410008 Yeti UFO Catcher
9410009 Yeti Doll
9410010 Jr. Pepe UFO Catcher
9410011 Jr. Pepe Doll
9410012 UFO Catcher
9410013 Doll Vending Machine
9410014 Snack Bar
9410015 Snack Bar
9410016 Bubble Fish
9410017 Krappi
9410018 Poopa
9410019 Cico
9410020 Jr. Seal
9420000 Toad
9420001 Frog
9420002 Python
9420003 Red Lizard
9420004 Yellow Lizard
9420005 White Rooster
9420006 Book Monster
9420015 NooNoo
9420500 Stopnow
9420501 Freezer
9420502 Biner
9420503 Nospeed
9420504 Tippo Red
9420505 Tippo Blue
9420506 Batoo
9420507 Trucker
9420508 Octobunny
9420509 Pac Pinky
9420510 Slimy
9420511 Selkie Jr.
9420512 Mr. Anchor
9420513 Capt. Latanica
9500000 Making a wish to full moon
9500001 Making a wish to the full moon
9500002 Making a wish to the full moon
9500003 Making a wish to the full moon
9500004 Making a wish to the full moon
9500005 Making a wish to the full moon
9500100 Slime
9500101 Pig
9500102 Orange Mushroom
9500103 Bubbling
9500104 Octopus
9500105 Green Mushroom
9500106 Horny Mushroom
9500107 Drumming Bunny
9500108 Ligator
9500109 Ratz
9500110 Star Pixie
9500111 Jr. Wraith
9500112 Jr. Pepe
9500113 Panda Teddy
9500114 King Blockpus
9500115 Lorang
9500116 Zombie Lupin
9500117 Helly
9500118 Tweeter
9500119 Toy Trojan
9500120 King Block Golem
9500121 Wraith
9500122 Chief Gray
9500123 Mixed Golem
9500124 Mushmom
9500125 Red Drake
9500126 Ice Drake
9500127 Master Soul Teddy
9500128 Dark Yeti
9500129 Taurospear
9500130 Blue King Goblin
9500131 Luinel
9500132 Werewolf
9500133 Yeti and Pepe
9500134 Lycanthrope
9500135 Death Teddy
9500136 Gigantic Viking
9500137 G. Phantom Watch
9500138 Bain
9500139 Jr. Balrog
9500140 Crimson Balrog
9500141 Separated Yeti
9500142 Separated Pepe
9500143 Coke Pig
9500144 Coke Snail
9500145 Coke Seal
9500146 Play Seal
9500147 Yeti and Coketump
9500148 Igloo Turtle
9500149 Coke Golem
9500150 Ice Golem
9500151 Coke Slime
9500152 Coke Mushroom
9500153 Coketump
9500154 Coketump Lite
9500155 Three-Tailed Fox
9500156 Wraith
9500157 Jr. Wraith
9500158 Yellow King Goblin
9500159 Blue King Goblin
9500160 Green King Goblin
9500161 Hankie
9500162 Harp
9500163 Blood Harp
9500164 Black Kentaurus
9500165 Red Kentaurus
9500166 Blue Kentaurus
9500167 Golden Pig
9500168 King Slime
9500169 Jr. Balrog
9500170 Papa Pixie
9500171 Crimson Balrog
9500172 Alishar
9500173 Griffey
9500174 Manon
9500175 Angry Lord Pirate
9500176 Blue Mushmom
9500177 Giant Centipede
9500178 Snack Bar
9500179 Transformed Snack Bar
9500180 Papulatus
9500181 Papulatus
9500182 Watermelon Guard Hogol
9500183 Watermelon Guard Hogol
9500184 Rideword P
9500185 Rideword Y
9500186 Rideword B
9500187 Busted Doll
9500188 Destroyed Doll
9500189 Gift Box
9500190 Toy Clown
9500191 Green Phantom
9500192 Pumpkin Knight
9500193 Fire Steed
9500194 Mirror Ghost
9500195 Jack-o-Lantern
9500196 Ghost
9500197 Ghost
9500198 Gift Box
9500199 Toy Clown
9500200 Zoo Balrog
9500201 Zoo Yeti
9500202 Zoo White Fang
9500203 Zoo Pig
9500204 Zoo Ribbon Pig
9500300 Busted Doll
9500301 Destroyed Doll
9500302 Jack-o-Lantern at Pumpkin Farm
9500303 Mirror Ghost 2
9500304 Mirror Ghost 3
9500305 Jack-o-Lantern
9500306 Mano
9500307 Stumpy
9500308 Faust
9500309 King Clang
9500310 Timer
9500311 Dyle
9500312 Nona-Tailed Fox
9500313 Tae Roon
9500314 Priest Cat
9500315 Elliza
9500316 Snow Yeti
9500317 Kid Snowman
9500318 Angry Snowman
9500319 Giant Snowman
9500320 Lost Rudolph
9500321 Snowman
9500322 Kid Snowman
9500323 Kitty from Cheese Storage
9500324 Kitty from Cheese Storage
9500325 King Slime
9500326 Mushmom
9500327 Jr. Balrog
9500328 Crimson Balrog
9500329 Papa Pixie
9500330 Alishar
9500331 Papulatus
9500332 Pianus
9500333 Leviathan
9500334 Lord Pirate
9500335 Frankenroid
9500400 Gourd
9501000 Sealed
9501001 Darkness
9501002 Weakness
9501003 Knocked Out
9501004 Cursed
9501005 Poisoned
9501006 Slow
9501007 Disable Buff
9501008 Seduce
9501009 Immune to Weapon
9501010 Immune to Magic
9501011 Cancel Element
9501012 Reduce Element
9501013 Expand Element
9501014 Undead
9501015 Boss
9501016 Monster Book Test
9600001 Rooster
9600002 Duck
9600003 Sheep
9600004 Goat
9600005 Black Goat
9600006 Cow
9600007 Plow Ox
9600008 Black Sheep
9600009 Giant Centipede
9600010 Giant Centipede
9999998 Star Monster
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