Hello! This is my first release on W8Baby.com so I wanted to make it a simple release!
This is a Maplestory server checker application! When there's a server check, or if you simply like to know maple's status all the time you can run this program, configure the settings, and minimize it to your system tray. It will then tell you maple's current status, whether it's online or offline!
This can help get FM spots, etc... Or just get you back in the game sooner!
Server IP and Port is specifiable, so although the default IP/Port is for GMS it could actually be used for any MS, provided that you have the correct IP && Port for your version (actually any server for that matter but, this is meant for MS)
"Re-Check Delay" is how often it will attempt to connect to the specified server/port and update the status. Default is 60 seconds / 1 minute...
If specified, the currently only way it alerts you is by playing an MP3 (Of your choice, just browse for it and select it in the settings window, or the default) More ways being added...
MP3 playing functionality provided by
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* MP3Player.h C++ class using plain Windows API
* Author: @lx/Alexandre Mutel, blog: http://code4k.blogspot.com
* The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* Gets GMS server time PDT/PST from the internet. (www.time.gov)
* Checks/updates current status of GMS server.
* Plays selected MP3 when server comes online from being offline. (loop or play certain number of times)
* If minimized to tray, shows balloon hint saying maple is back online!
Planned improvements:
* auto-login to configured account
* flashy window / DirectX application that says "Hey Maple Server Is Back Online!" in some way.
* anything else I can think of!
Coded in Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 (RAD C++ 2010)! compiled with packages unchecked and dynamic runtime library set to false.
MP3Player unit 'MapleBackOnline.exe' compiled in MSVC++ 2010 with "Multi-threaded /MT" runtime
Both should execute fine on any windows machine, should be no dependencies!
Oh and just in-case your wondering to make this Win Vista/Win 7 ready without needing to run the app as administrator I used the common %APPDATA% folder for the files it uses. Upon running the application... MapleBackOnline.exe, and MapleRemix.mp3 are dumped to the %APPDATA% folder.
And the reason why I made the MP3 Player a separate module is because as the author Alexandre said in his post its 'buggy'. I couldn't get the MP3Player object to play an MP3 more than once. It just wouldn't play the second time. So I isolated it in its own executable which is run each time an mp3 needs to be played.
W8MapleChecker.exe - Written by XTCHouseMafia aka Steve Smooth
MapleBackOnline.exe - Written by XTCHouseMafia aka Steve Smooth (MP3Player.h part written by Alexandre Mutel)
MapleRemix.mp3 - Mixed by XTCHouseMafia aka Steve Smooth
W8MapleChecker Binary:
W8MapleChecker Source:
MapleBackOnline Source + Binary (MP3 Playing Unit):
Hope you enjoy it!
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