Wednesday, October 5, 2011

[GMS 0.101] V-trainer BETA :: Physics Modifier :: No bypass hacks :: Wall vac :: Bot features


This is V-Trainer! A very simple trainer made by me in C++. It contains basic botting features and hacks, although right
now it is not meant to be purely for leveling etc, it's more of useful tool, fun hacks kind of thing, you get the idea.
Please let me know of any bugs you find, I'll address them as soon as I can, have fun!

Important things to read...

HacksJust a few basic hacks, these will DC you in a few seconds with no bypass.No-Bypass hacks READHere you'll find hacks that are able to be used without a bypass. They are all very safe except tele based
hacks (like mouse fly) if you use them too much, I recommend that you CC after flying.

fall off map:
This is a bit different from the usual "fall through floor", no matter where you stand you will
fall off the map. Useful for exploiting boss PQs etc.

Set this to a number and tick the check box, when you move you will transform. Set it to 0, or
disable it and cc/change map to change back

Physics modifier!
This will let you edit the physics of maple story. It's very easy to use, just tick what you want to change,
write in your value and press the button. I have never been banned from this, but it can DC you if you aren't

This also effects mobs!
If you stay still you will not DC, this means you can set Running speed, for example, to a high number and
the mobs will run like crazy. If mobs jump, you can change the gravity and they will start floating when they
jump. This is pretty fun, experiment.

Virus scans:
VirusTotal Anubis

Things to fix:
This last patch changed a lot of things, because of
this some things remain not updated (kami etc).
- EXP pointer
- Kami
- Miss GM

- maybe more...
@-Negative- New morph offset, general help.
@Creation pointing out my fail spelling.
Goomba: physics offsets.
Original creators of scripts, i think a lot of them are by @

Quote Originally Posted by lgdangelo View Post
I had same problems you guys all had i Did the following to fix then.

1. Download again from Ryuzaki page update Injector Gadget
2. Downloaded C++ Runtime Library for Both x86/64 Bit Systems (I use 64bit Windows 7 but many times have i had to use x86 stuff)
3. Redownloaded .Net frameworks (Again even if i already had then installed, i selected Repair Installation in the case i alreade had then, same with number 2)
4.At injector Gadget screen uncheck CLOAK DLL, if not it wont work (At least in my case didnt)
5. If you get the missing DLL error put in google the DLL name and download then.
6. Put 1 copy at System32 and other at WoWSystem64( 64 bit systems)
7. Again Open maple and in the game launcher screen Inject File ( Remenber to uncheck Cloak DLL)

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