Thursday, October 13, 2011

[GMS 1.01.01] ABTrainer 1.5 No Bypass Needed

ABTrainer v1.5 (GMS V1.01) (100% Risk Free) The following tool is for people who prefer not to use actual bannable hacks (like vac, gmode etc) and just want a tool that can help them throughout the game without any risks. I know a lot of people who already worked hard for they're main characters (Or simply understood that hacking will always get you banned, eventually.) and the world of hacking doesn't apply for them. The most they do is open a new account, get banned and stop hacking. Well, this tool is for those kind of people (like me). The new AntiBan Trainer contains a list of helpful tasks that the game can't really know whever its you or a bot is doing them.  
It's like a tool that everyone should have running when playing maple. 

1. Download trainer from: 
2. Open ABTrainer.exe (BEFORE opening maple) 3. Run maple through abtrainer's launcher or yourself Virus Scan : 
Thats it - Enjoy. 

NOTES (READ IT!) : Windows XP Users - You must stay on window mode. Support for full screen on windows xp will arrive soon. Windows 7/Vista Users - To make the tool compatible with 7/vista, Aero will be disabled. Note that window mode & fullscreen work on windows 7/vista. * The Numbers Are Miliseconds (Auto Chat,Auto Skill,Auto Tracker) * The Auto Tubi is actually a Auto Looter * As soon as you leave game window, all checkboxes become unchecked,use F1-F7 to check/uncheck the checkboxes THIS TRAINER WAS NOT MADE BY ME AND ITS NOT LEECHING.

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